Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today is a historical day for I had seen more than 100 times how the nurse put in the catheter tube and bag the bag for my 79 years old mother who had a stroke and is bed ridden since September 2005. Well today after waiting more than 10 days since the 7 May when the nurse I hired went to Umrah in Mekah and had not contacted us or even
call when or whether she will come back and fix the catheter bag.... I took matter in my own hands...first I took out the 10 days old catheter tube..I learn how to do those through the U tube on the Internet. I read many articles earlier before doing this, this evening at about 9.30pm I did the practical on my mother and it works. Thank God! Shukor Alhamdulliah. I know its is OK because the urine flowed out.... I was really relieved..more for my mother because I had to moved her so many times to change her pampers.. now I only have to check the bag...and she wont get wet ...and smelly.. Only now... I had to tell the nurse that her service is no longer needed. Npw, I can do it my self..yes I am saving a budget on paying the nurse RM50 weekly. Now had to buy the urine bag @RM2.00 and the tube for RM4.50.